Take care... the big brother is watching you

domingo, 16 de outubro de 2011

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quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011

terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011

In a frightening example of how the state is tightening its grip around the free Internet, it has emerged that You Tube is complying with thousands of requests from governments to censor and remove videos that show protests and other examples of citizens simply asserting their rights, while also deleting search terms by government mandate.

The latest example is You Tube’s compliance with a request from the British government to censor footage of the British Constitution Group’s Lawful Rebellion protest, during which they attempted to civilly arrest Judge Michael Peake at Birkenhead county court.

Read more.

Os Estados Unidos (EUA) querem ter acesso a bases de dados biométricas e biográficas dos portugueses que constam no Arquivo de Identificação Civil e Criminal. O FBI, com a justificação da luta contra o terrorismo, quer também aceder à ainda limitada base de dados de ADN de Portugal. O acordo com o Governo português está feito e só falta ser ratificado na Assembleia da República.

Diário de Notícias.